Thursday, January 24, 2013

february roaches

I wanted to know I could feel happiness without you, and when I did, and when I did, and when I did, and when I did, and when I did I felt it, a sadness fell upon me like a streak of sharp
blood blue paint falling into Their morning alka seltzer glass,

because I had not You to share my happiness with.

indecisive in love…..what a true pain in the ass I am; but I’ll always be that, I’ll always be that, I’ll always be that, I’ll always be that I’ll always be yours. 


  1. Is this Rosina that graduated from srhs and that I went to china with???

    1. Is this James Hall who I used to watch The Wall with, talk about hawt Jared Leto is with, and who I made Chairman Mao raps with? :D

    2. Oman I have been looking for you everywhere! How have you been beautiful?! Email me and I'll give you my number so we can chat!

  2. Rose! Its Kyle... Kyle Hoff. Sorry to come pester you in your blog space... lol its been forever since i updated mine ( I guess i sort of switched to a paper journal.

    anyway. can we catch up? 9162775716

  3. Woah hiiiii! what a reunion! you AND jim, crazy crazy!
    Yeah lets catch up! ill give u call sometime this week when i have some time :)
    (i don't wanna put my number here cuz my blog is public)
    so glad to hear from you yo :D

  4. cool! yeah call me whenever. If any of your readers want to call me I guess thats their prerogative, haha. I look forward to chatting.
